Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Scary Moment

This morning, I woke up at 4:45 am like usual and got dressed for my run. I walked downstairs to head out the door and realized that one of the children's noise makers was louder than usual. I walked around to Emma Claire's room and saw that her door was open. I began to shut the door, thinking that maybe she just requested it stay open the night before. Then I thought twice, and went back in her room to check on her.
Empty bed. No Emma Claire.
My first thought was that she was on the sofa or something so I went and looked on the sofa.
No Emma Claire.
I ran back upstairs to see if she had somehow climbed in our bed in the night without me realizing it. I turned the light on.
No Emma Claire.
I woke Will up to see if he remembered anything - he didn't have clue.
I looked on the other sofa.
No Emma Claire.
I can't begin to tell you the thoughts that were racing through my mind. I remembered that during Henderson's nap time yesterday, I switched the monitor from listening to downstairs to listening to Henderson's room and I forgot to change it back. All I could think was that the one time I didn't have the monitor on downstairs, someone had come into our house and taken my child right out from under me - REALLY. I thought that. My heart was beating wildly.
I raced downstairs. I looked again in her room to see if maybe she had fallen off her bed and stayed on the ground, but No Emma Claire.
I then looked in the only place I hadn't looked, but surely not, because his door was closed. Wilson's room. I walked in and looked and the side of his bed closest to the door was empty. Then I looked closer and there, on the far side of his bed, were 2 sleeping angels, cuddled together. So sweet, yet with my heart racing, all I could say was Thank You Jesus.
Jesus, please help me not to EVER take my children's health or safety for granted, even in my own house, especially in my own house. Thank you for 3 beautiful, wonderful children.

When she woke up, I asked her if she remembered getting into Wilson's bed last night and she said "yes". I asked what made her want to do that and she said, "I just wanted to make sure he didn't roll off the bed." Ahhhhwww so sweet.
Now, Wilson has never rolled off the bed and he's been in a big bed for a year now, so I'm not sure what prompted that, except that maybe Emma Claire is now taking this Big Sister thing pretty seriously!

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!