Well, Henderson is now 7 weeks old and I am finally posting a blog. Thanks sister Katie for posting the arrival of Henderson 7 weeks ago. I am able to do this because I am at my parents' house and both boys are asleep. the children and I are heading to the beach with my parents and sisters tomorrow - I can't wait - just to have extra hands will be nice for a change! Having 3 children has been great so far. Henderson is dealing with some reflux issues so we are now on Prilosec and he is doing somewhat better - all my children have been fussy babies, so why not one more? He does sleep great at night - wakes up 2 -3 times, but eats and goes right back to sleep, so I am sooooo grateful for that!!! He is mainly fussy in the day time after he eats and spits up a LOT!!! He is a joy to hold - which he likes ALOT, - never wants to be put down, but it's my last baby, so i don't mind holding him all the time - it has already flown by so fast, God is so good to us to bless us with 3 beautiful, healthy children in such a short time period. It is chaotic some times, especially when we're trying to get out the door, or when I am feeding Henderson and Wilson gets into the storage closet or unwraps all the toilet paper or opens the lower oven and pours his entire bag of cheetos in there - what a mess!!! but all in all I am really trying to cherish each minute! Wilson and Emma Claire are loving their new brother and it's fun to see a tender, gentle side of Wilson -- he cocks his head to one side every time he sees Henderson and says in a sweet little voice - "OHHHH BABY!!!" - it makes me laugh so much b/c he is so wild and boyish.

Wilson has just learned to climb out of his baby bed with it lowered all the way down, so I'm confident that nights will absolutely never be the same again. He's a good sleeper, but he'd rather climb than anything!!

Our latest saga, I scratched Emma Claire's cornea with my fingernail - Yes, I did it. She came into our bedroom in the middle of the night and I reached out to her and wham, my finger went straight into her eye - she cried and cried and cried. Of course I didn't think it was that bad and just kept telling her to go to sleep. Well, the next morning she wouldn't open her eye and didn't, until I finally threatened her that she couldn't go to the beach if she didn't open her eye. It was horrible - all pink with a red bloody spot on the white of her eye where my fingernail had scratched it. We went to the Pediatrician's office and he looked at it and said it didn't look too severe, but he wanted us to go straight to an eye doctor b/c she had failed her vision test with her GOOD eye -- we had no idea she had problems with her eyes -- she can see fine with both eyes, but when we covered up the left eye (the injured eye) she couldn't read a thing with the right one. So, on to the eye doctor with Henderson in tow - thank goodness my mother in law was keeping Wilson. So 3 hours later and lots of crying b/c they must have but in 6 different types pf eye drops and ointments on an already painful eye we go home with eye drops of our own to put in 4 times a day and a diagnosis of a possible lazy eye (which is not visible by just looking at her at all). We go back when we get back from the beach for treatment which consists of a patch over the good eye or glasses -- i really need to focus on pirates while at the beach!!! Henderson was an angel through it all and slept in his pumpkin seat while I constantly rocked it, praying he wouldn't wake up. I was not prepared to be gone that long, which I had no problem with nursing him at a Pediatrician's office ( they just expect that, right?), but in the waiting room of an eye doctor - I just couldn't do it. But I did finally nurse him when we got to our examination room - 2 hours and 45 minutes after leaving home!!!!

Well, enough about that, on to the beach we go and I'll try to post again before he's one year old - next time with some good beach pictures!!!