Thanksgiving morning, the elves rolled MY Christmas tree - oh the nerve of them!!!!! The next day they got into the Christmas cookies and left crumbs ALL OVER the kitchen (NO PICTURES)- they were worn out from traveling all the way to the North Pole and needed some nourishment!!!!

They then had a little "break" from all the "watching" and "traveling" and acting "crazy" b/c Emma Claire and Wilson went to stay with my mom and dad and their cousins in B'ham and they got "left behind", so all they had to watch was Henderson - and he's 6 months old - not sure he's really aacountable for his actions quite yet. Though, rest assured that one of the first things Emma Claire asked me when we picked her up was, "what did the elves do while I was gone?" - I told her I'd tell her in the car =).
Well, this morning, she'll wake up to pretty little elves dressed up in dress-up clothes!!!!!

I hope you're enjoying this Christmas season (finally) - may we not forget Jesus, our Savior, who was born and died and lives for you and me!
Do you know Him?