Yep, It's summertime, and sometimes, this is just the way to go.... the coolest attire and no ants biting your feet - does it get any better?
Henderson was there too - we get things kicked off early around here - but I have to say they get it honestly - I was just the same as a child and still am as an adult - if everyone sleeps until 6:00 am around here it is a downright miracle!!!!!
My parents came over Father's Day weekend and brought my niece, Mary Grace, and my nephew, Carson, from Indiana. We spent Saturday at the pool, or should I say, IN the pool - man it's hot!!!!! Saturday night we had a sleepover which included my family, my parents, Carson and Mary Grace, and my younger sister, Katie, and her fiance Matt. We even got up Sunday morning and made it to early church at 8:30!!!!! I really think I might could handle 5 children - too bad that's no longer possible!!! :~)
This is after church when Grandaddy (my dad) was opening his presents for Father's Day and his birthday, which was yesterday - Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!

After church we headed over to Will's parents house for lunch and playtime!!!! The children played outside on the trampoline and swing set the ENTIRE afternoon - 4 hours - and it was HOT (100 degree hot)- see for yourself all the hot faces!!!!

Cute little Redneck diaper babies - they enjoyed playing with cups of water and ice cubes, hence the lack of clothing!!!!!
Cute little Redneck diaper babies - they enjoyed playing with cups of water and ice cubes, hence the lack of clothing!!!!!