Daily Struggles - this has been at the forefront of my quiet times lately as well as prayer time and daily living
Loving my children vs Disciplining them ( I know these go hand in hand, but often times I feel as if I am just so hard on them, always saying "don't do this, don't do that, don't touch that, don't say that, stop screaming, use a quiet voice, say please, say thank you, don't hit, etc, etc, etc) Such is the life with a 4, 2 and 1 year old???? Then I pledge to be gentle and loving ALL.THE.TIME and that doesn't work either - can't I find a balance?
Martha vs. Mary - a recent topic in my current Bible Study - I am sooooo a Martha, but I want to be a Mary - I know I should be a little of both - it's all about the timing!!!!
Being a wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, employee, housekeeper - all.at.the.same.time!!!!
What's good and what's best - this is a current stuggle I am having regarding activities and family time - our schedule for the Fall is looming - Emma Claire is starting kindergarten and there are so many things that come along with that. She has done gymnastics and dance for the last couple years and she still wants to participate in BOTH, along with cheerleading in the fall and soccer in the spring (and possibly a theatre production). My biggest hurdle is that dance is going to 2 days a week (optional), but all of her friends are taking this route. We also go to church every Wednesday night and try to attend on sunday nights. I am very serious about "family time" and dinner at home together most nights. We are not quite at the point to decide between activities, soon that will come - she will have to choose. I'm afraid if she doesn't participate "like everyone else" she will fall behind. I know many of you moms are past this point with your children and I would LOVE some wisdom here! I all sounds so trivial, and in the great scheme of eternity and God's plan, maybe it's not important - but it's important to HER now, so it's important to me!
I would love to share more, but I've got to run - just keeping it real here!
Fashion Friday: Edition you can find me in Round Top
17 hours ago