He's always the highlight of Alabama sporting events
This little man is obsessed with him, but only from a distance
And when I say obsessed, I mean obsessed
He couldn't get past it, constantly saying "where's Big Al"
He loves him, but when he finally came over to us, wouldn't touch him
He clutched me so tight I had claw marks on my arms.
The rest of the game he was constantly scanning the Coliseum for Big Al
It didn't help that we were sitting on the row with a rail in front of us
Wilson wanted to climb over the rail and go find Big Al himself
It also doesn't help that the last 2 months everytime we've seen Big Al, it's been in a situation where he was free to move around as he pleased.
Wilson doesn't like being contained.
Wilson was very bad
Wilson screamed and cried alot
Wilson, mommy and Henderson left at halftime
Going up the stairs, I was holding Henderson in one arm and dangling Wilson by one arm b/c he was throwing a semi-fit - not screaming, just being VERY stubborn
I could hear people laughing at (with) me - it was very humorous - I have learned to laugh at situations like these.
I was not laughing when Wilson bit me in the shoulder when I finally picked him up
He got a very hard spanking when we got to the car
Henderson was very good, by the way
Emma Claire was an angel - it took her the entire 1st half to eat one tency box of nerds - one by one by one - can you imagine - I inhale the whole box in 0.2 seconds.
Wilson attended his 1st and last Alabama basketball game this season.
Don't let this sweet face fool you.
This is the prayer I prayed for Wilson this morning (adapted from The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian- I highly recommend this book:
I pray that you would give Wilson a heart that desires to obey You. Put into him a longing to spend time with You, in Your Word and in prayer, listening for Your voice. Shine Your light upon any secret or unseen rebellion that is taking root in his heart, so that it can be identified and destroyed. Lord, I pray that he will not give himself over to pride, selfishness, and rebellion, but that he will be delivered from it. By the authority You've given me in Jesus' name, I "stand against the wiles of the devil" and I resist idolatry, rebellion, stubbornness, and disrespect; they will have no part in my son's life, nor will my child walk a path of destruction and death because of them.
Your Word instructs, "Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord" (Colossians 3:20). I pray that You would turn the heart of this child toward his parents and enable him to honor and obey father and mother so that his life will be long and good. Turn his heart toward You so that all he does is pleasing in Your sight. May he learn to identify and confront pride and rebellion in himself and be willing to confess and repent of it. Make him uncomfortable with sin. Help him to know the beauty and simplicity of walking with a sweet and humble spirit in obedience and submission to You. Amen