Last night, as I was tucking Emma Claire into bed, we were going through a book that asks basic questions of life, "Who made me?" "Why are people sad sometimes?" "What did God do about it?" - for the why are people sad sometimes - the answer goes into the explanation of sin and the results of sin - and Emma Claire answered with this, "Sin mommy, when Joseph went into the garden and ate the fruit and then tried to run away from God and got on a boat and got thrown into the ocean, that was sin." I just replied with "Yes sweetie, that was all sin." Apparently she has Adam and Eve, Joseph and Jonah all mixed up, but at least she realized it was all a result of sin.
In other news, Emma Claire got a callback for Alice in Wonderland!!!! When the girl called me, I was completely floored - I had no idea there were even any main parts for 5 year olds!!! I asked if we needed to prepare anything and she said, "No, we'll just have her read a script from the play or sing a song from the play!" SERIOUSLY? You realize she's still only 4 and going INTO kindergarten and unless the line in the play is THE CAT IN THE HAT, or contains the words A AND THE CAT DOG SAT, she's probably not going to be able to read it. (Well, I actually just asked her if she realized that she couldn't read, but if I hadn't been picking myself off the floor from amazement that she was actually getting a callback, then I might could have thought of something funny to say at the time!) Anyhow, they taught her a line in the play, something like, Once upon a time, there were three little girls who were sisters and their names were Ellie, Lacie and Tellie, and they lived at the bottom of the well!
When Emma Claire ran out from the classroom, all she could say was "The bottom of the well!" That's what we said! Later I got out of her the whole line - she also said she may have acted a little crazy back there, and I asked her if she was supposed to act crazy or if she was just "actin' crazy"! She just giggled - right alongside her giggly friend, Avery. So who knows? She was the youngest of the 6 girls who were called back for this part of the DORMOUSE, so I guess it depends on what they are looking for!
When we left callbacks we headed straight out to my friend Melissa's house for a KINDERGARTEN party!!!!! I took a ton of pictures, so once I get them uploaded, I'll post about that!
Happy Friday to you!
Fashion Friday: Edition you can find me in Round Top
20 hours ago