Friday, August 29, 2008

There's a Hur'cane a'comin folks!

Just in case you don't have a television or radio or Internet (though you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have Internet, now would you?) There's a hurricane a comin!!! My prayer is that it will just die down and do minimal damage, but it sure doesn't look that way!

Enjoy the hot sunshiny weather this weekend, b/c I'm sure it will rain ALL next week. My flowers sure do look good though - thanks to Fay.

Can New Orleans take any more? How sad to have to go through this again. I'm thankful I don't live there, but I have lots of friends in Dothan and I know how bad it can get there during a hurricane and it's 90 miles north of the ocean (gulf). I do have family in Florida, so I hope they're prepared.

It's bad enough here with all the rain and tornadoes - we sure do get a lot of tornadoes here. Don't plan on watching any tv next week, b/c all that will be on is weather. That's okay with me - I've always been fascinated with severe weather (no I'm not sick, it's just something that amazes me!)

The children and the dog will be going crazy before too long again - just gazing outside wanting to know when they can go "sing" (swing in Wilson's language) I can't tell you how many times he asked me to swing last week - and all I could say was it's raining honey - all wet!!! He doesn't understand - he would have loved to swing in the rain - me, not so much!

I'm really not pessimistic at all, actually I'm very much an optimist! I love a rainy day, I just hope there's not much damage from Gustav - that just breaks my heart! Enjoy this hot summer weather for the next 3 days, because he's a comin! Go away Gustav, and don't even think about it Hannah! Let's start prayin!

Roll Tide!

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!