This little guy got a GREAT report from the doctor yesterday - his white blood cell count was down to 13,900 - not quite "normal" but definitely lower than 20,000!!!!! He did great - they went ahead and pricked his toe in the pediatrician's office and YA'LL, he didn't flinch or cry when his toe was pricked or the ENTIRE time the nurse was squeezing his little toe to get that tube full of blood - not ONE tear or whimper!!! That's my boy!!!!! Because the levels had gone down so much, we didn't have to venture to the hospital lab to have more tests done. YAY!!!!!! And more good news - he went from 15#4oz three weeks ago to 16#3oz yesterday!!! That's a record for my boys!!!! I haven't looked, but he might have even made it ON the growth chart!!!!

Emma Claire had soccer practice last night and before that I took the children and met my friend Ashley and her girls at McDonalds for a fancy smancy Birthday dinner!!!!! Will couldn't join us b/c we had to eat at 4:45 before the practice and he had to get home and get ready for his basketball game. Don't you all choose McDonalds on your birthday?????
the next pictures are from our campfire/SS social on Saturday night. The pictures are all blurry b/c they were taken at night and my flash is broken - I am in the market for a new camera, but haven't quite decided on a new one (but know I definitely want an SLR - any suggestions?) We had a great time - the children played hard, we ate good and then roasted some marshmallows and made smores - YUM!!!!!