This is more for my memory (and Wilson's embarrassment when he is of reading age) than anything else....But, I sent Wilson to school today in Emma Claire's Dora panties. You see, we only own like 7 pair of little boys underwear. Well, since Wilson still won't poop in the potty and since we (I) started this, I feel like putting him back in pull-ups or diapers would be a set back, so he goes to school everyday in underwear. Well, 2-3 poops a day in underwear, and I only own 7 pair - well, 2 and a half days and we are out of clean underwear. Well, yesterday, Wilson ACCIDENTALLY dropped his underwear in the potty, so that was one less we had to work with. This morning I went to get him a pair and realized there were no more clean ones. I gave in to myself and suggested just wearing a pull-up today, but Wilson would have nothing to do with it (which secretly I was thrilled with). Well, the only alternatives were NO underwear at all or Emma Claire's panties. I chose the panties and you'll be proud to know I did pick a YELLOW pair of Dora panties - nevermind that they have a big pink heart on the front, but at least they weren't her pink tinkerbell panties!!!! I told Emma Claire's teacher what I did when I dropped them off at school, b/c I knew that he would be the laugh of the day amongst the teachers. Thankfully Wilson loves Dora and didn't think a thing about it. He's only 2 and I'm hoping that all the other 7 boys in his class are too young to realize that they are girl panties - or else we may be in for some counseling pretty soon!
TODAY I bought 6 new pair of underwear!!!!
On another note, last night after reading books to Emma Claire at bedtime she asked me this question:
"Mommy, will you still love me after I die?"
Of course I told her I would and that I hoped that we would both live to be 100 and I would die before she did, but WOW it shocked me...and this isn't the first time lately that she's asked questions about dying. The other night she was nearly sobbing saying how much she didn't want to die. I certainly don't want her to be excited about dying (meaning wanting to die soon), but I don't want her to be afraid, either. I think all the talks we have about Jesus and heaven and Jesus dying on the cross for our sins so we can live with Him in heaven one day have really got her thinking, but sometimes I really don't know how to answer her! This mommy thing is HARD sometimes!
Fashion Friday: Edition you can find me in Round Top
18 hours ago