2 weeks to go until little Edwin "Henderson" is born via C-section! I can't wait! I really hope I can make it the next 2 weeks - I've got my summer planned out perfectly according to the May 2nd date - but these things aren't always as we expect, so we'll just keep waiting. Henderson's big sister Emma Claire is waiting very patiently and asks just about every day,"when is he going to come out, mommy?" in her most exasperated voice! She is really going to be a big help. Wilson on the other hand doesn't have a clue, except to laugh and call my tummy a "ball" every time he sees it and lift my shirt and blow raspberries on it -- it's really cute! Hopefully he is so young that after a few days he will no longer remember life without a little brother and keep treckin on with his wild little self. I am really feeling good, minus the few aches that come with toting around a 6-8 pound "load" in my tummy. I cannot complain, God has really blessed me with 3 wonderful pregnancies and hopefully one more healthy little guy. Here is the only belly shot i could get -- Emma Claire took this one, hence the cutting off of my head - this is for you sister!

On a different note, we heard back from the Ped. GI doctor about Wilson's EGD that it all came back normal, we are weaning off of the Prednisone for the next month and hopefully will not have to get back on it -- though I can't say it did much good in the eating arena (only made him even more hyper than he already was). He still eats VERY little each day, but we are slowly gaining at about 1/2 pound some months - still at 19 pounds though and 19 months old!!!

I installed the infant car seat in my van yesterday and just in time Emma Claire has learned to buckle herself in to her booster seat all by herself and let herself out too -- what a help that is to soon still only have 2 children to buckle in every time we go somewhere, and with these push-button sliding doors on vans it makes life much easier!!!! I recommend the Honda Odyssey to anyone with multiple children who doesn't mind going over to the "other" side of mommy-hood with a van - you can't beat the convenience, and the gas mileage is much better too!

We have a busy weekend with a one-hour makeup swim lesson on Friday evening for Emma Claire (from when we had a cast) - she is doing so good, she can swim the whole length of the pool all by herself - just one more thing that will make my summer easier and more fun - Emma Claire is growing up so fast -- I don't want to hold her back, but where has my baby gone??!!!! We then go straight to a Sunday school baby shower and pot luck dinner for a couple who is having their first child (kids included) on Friday night and a family picnic Saturday morning with Will's work. The rest of the time will be spent napping (the children), playing outside in this gorgeous spring weather - but we have got to do something about the bugs in our backyard -- they are swarming!!!! cleaning house, doing laundry and any other thing that I come across that just HAS to be done before Henderson arrives.