On Saturday, we went to a birthday party at Tumbling Tides for a friend of Emma Claire's. I ended up taking all 3 children by myself while Will tackled Wal-mart for some grocery shopping and last minute gifts. I think I got the raw end of th deal. The gym part of the party was fun, Wilson did his thing, Emma Claire participated and Henderson just crawled around, or got held by someone. THEN came the eating part - which is ALWAYS a nightmare with Wilson, we should have just left then, but for Emma Claire's sake, we stayed. Wilson didn't like the chips HE CHOSE, so he cried until he got another kind, Henderson decided he was hungry, so I held him with one hand and fed him a bottle with that SAME hand - don't ask, just be glad he's as small as he is, all the while I'm coralling Wilson back to his seat so he doesn't smash the birthday cake that he's discovered. He is now crying for CAKE CAKE!!!!! He gets some cake (one of the first ones, just to shut him up) and he begins eating it - not with a fork or spoon, but his fingers - so messy, but at least he's somewhat quiet, then he eats his ice cream with his fingers too. He has a capri sun, which he normally BEGS for, but he spots a bottle of water and wants this. There are no more bottled water, but he, being 2, doesn't understand and has a fit for water. I put Henderson over on the mat and take Wilson OUT at this point and have a "talk". Things got better at this point and just when I think I can take a sigh of relief, Emma Claire begins crying - someone just threw away her chips that she was saving to eat - WOW! This is very unlike her, so I do manage to talk to her a minute and she's fine. Next came present-opening time and it was uneventful, thank you Jesus and we leave -- I will NOT take all 3 by myself to a party again - (yea right).
After the party we went to Will's parents house and let the children play outside while the weather was still WARM - (baby t's COLD outside now!!!!) Ya'll, I got on the trampoline with them and did 2 BACK FLIPS!!! Yes, this nearly 30 mother of 3 did 2 back flips and I'm not even sore this morning!!!! I had so much fun jumping with Emma Claire and Wilson, they got a kick out of their mommy doing such fun things on the trampoline!
The Happy Birthday Jesus party Friday was a blast - it dried off enough for the children to play outside and the hostess did an amazing job with the cake and cupcakes - see pictures below! I was a great time of play, celebration and fellowship!

Henderson loves to crawl into the playroom and look out the window - it's so sweet!

Happy Birthday Jesus party!