Sunday, November 29, 2009


Even though my house has been decorated for over a week now, it is NOW officially the Christmas season, which means I can break out all those beautiful clothes and the little elves can arrive soon!
Christmas-time just brings out all the smiles in everyone!

Halloween is never far away though - Spiderman makes a daily appearance!!!

and the prissy gangsta!

Someone has discovered a love of all things Elmo - especially' tickle me Elmo'!

Daisy is always in the middle of it all, much to Henderson's delight - he LOVES that dog!!!

Henderson also loves his blankey (which neither of the other two cared anything about) and HE LOVES TO BE HELD AND ROCKED!!!!! THAT, makes me SO happy, except of course in the mornings when I'm trying to get ready and the little rascal is crawling up my legs!!!!

Wilson, well, we are still working with Wilson, diligently EVERY day on controlling his temper, keeping his hands out of his mouth and not wetting the bed at night. He is truly a challenge, and God is teaching me more and more everyday on how much He loves me, not matter what I do - the same way I love Wilson, who when he's not making me want to scream and cry, brings me such joy!!! (How's that for a run-on sentence??)

Emma Clair-, she had the busiest and most fun week EVER last week! It started out completely normal, but then she ended up spending the day and night with her cousins on Monday, her Nana on Tuesday night. Then we all spent the afternoon and night at my parents house on Wednesday night and then Chandler and Patton (her cousins) spent the night with her on Thursday night, after a day full of playing together on Thanksgiving day!!! Then Friday she spent the afternoon and evening at her friend's new house. If you know Emma Claire, you know that her favorite things EVER are playdates and sleepovers!!!! Saturday and Sunday were spent at home, in withdrawal, but we managed to have some great family time - playing outside, painting and watching movies!!!!

See the happiness Christmas brings out????

Emma Claire and I painted on Saturday while the boys were napping - she REALLY wanted to do a Christmas one - and I think she did a GREAT job - I helped outline the tree for her, but she pretty much did the rest by herself!!!!

Have a great week!

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!