Yesterday, Wilson only took an hour nap - which is not the norm for him - he is usually a 3-4 hour napper!!!! At first, I was not very happy, but then I let go of what I was doing (ironing, vacumming, laundry) and decided to play with him outside. I honestly cannot remember a time when I played with just Wilson one-on-one, sad huh? Emma Claire often gets one-on-one time to special things like plays, movies, play-dates, etc - being the oldest and the only girl. Henderson has gotten his share of one-on-one time so far, simply b/c he is a baby and there are times when I stay home with him while Will takes the older 2 out. But Wilson? He's falling into that middle child stereotype. I am a middle child - I don't think I was hindered by this at all, but I don't recall much one-on-one time with my parents either.
So, Wilson and I swang (is that how you say that?), hit tee-balls, pulled weeds together, blew bubbles and layed on a blanket in the beautiful sunshine - just the two of us!!!! (Henderson was still napping) It was glorious - he is truly the sweetest, most fun, exciting, say it how it is, little boy I know!!!! Truly, life personified!! Now, he can turn on you in a second and be a viper, but most of the time he is a sweet little guy. His vocabulary has astounded me lately, and it cracks me up the things he says. I've noticed lately that he tends to repeat everything I say to him and I think it's just his way of learning new words.

Wilson is very sensitive to others' needs and affectionate - he is also OBSESSED with the human body - maybe this explains the trouble we had with potty training - he likes anything about the human body - poo-poo included. Really, if you're ever naked around him and will poke and prod EVERY part of you and ask "what's that?"
EVERYTIME!!!!! It is quite hilarious. I remember when he was just walking - he was obsessed with bottoms - we would literally stick his finger right in your bottom if he saw it - now I know that may be too much information for some of you, but just picture getting out of the shower and
THERE HE IS -- you'd better run fast - and he would chase you - so determined! He even gets after Emma Claire and Henderson when they're bathing!!!! We've gotten on to him about it enough that it's not a huge issue now, but the other night I saw him do it to Henderson in the bath and I began remembering how he used to be!!!! Hopefully these little things about him, will pay off and he'll be a great physician one day!!

Today is Emma Claire's last day at the beach, but I won't see her until lunch tomorrow. They are driving back late tonight and she is going to spend the night at her Nana's house and stay with her while I work in the morning. Yesterday, they met some friends at Bay Point and she had a blast hunting for crabs along the bay - her heaven - anything involving critters!!! Then last night they went to a restaurant where they had kids' karaoke - I heard she was a microphone hog and had fun singing
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!!!
This afternoon I am keeping Ellen's youngest, Stanton (11 months), along with Wilson and Henderson. I've set up a pack-n-play in Wilson's closet (nice and dark), so I'm hoping they will
all nap A.LONG.TIME!!!! - keep me in your prayers!!!!