Happy Birthday Jesus! We are going to a friends' house today for a Happy Birthday Jesus party - the children are doing a great job of remembering the Reason for the Season! Wilson even has a newfound love for baby dolls lately and goes into Emma Claire's room often and gets her life-size doll and carries it around - it's nearly as big as he is. The other day I found him (during his nap time) going into his sister's room (while she was sleeping) to take the baby doll from her into his room. He's such a little stinker. The focus today will be celebrating Jesus' birth and the children can't wait to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out candles!
In other news, Henderson is officially crawling - he crawled all the way out of his room and down the hall into the playroom last night. He gets hung up on his clothes sometimes, but with the warmer weather we've been having, I'm able to let him wear onesies or just a diaper some and he gets around just fine! Time to keep the gate to the stairs closed! Thank goodness Wilson can't open it on his own!