A dear friend gave me this book this week and I finished reading it in a day and a half! It's a MUST read if you have a little girl - especially between the ages of 5-12!!!! Drop what you're doing and get it now! We must do all we can to protect our little girls, keep them close and grow them up to be Women of God!!
My dear, sweet Emma Claire - I'm so glad we're off to a great start - but I can do so much better! I pray God will give me the grace and patience and wisdom and strength to do all I can to raise her up into the woman God wants and desires her to be!!!

Read more: http://www.mylivesignature.com/mls_wizard2_1.php?sid=54488-61-AC9EAD64C79E039047528AB0D38C09EC##ixzz0dulADQqZ