Our church has a fabulous library - on Wednesday nights we got to dinner at church, then choir and mission friends. BUT, before all that we hit the library - it started one day when I happended to arrive a little early to church and went by there just to have something to do. Now it's just what we do - there's no getting around it - unless I want 2 little children having fits in the parking lot - they LOVE it - they each get to pick out a movie (or 2) and 2 books. The nice ladies in the library are so excited to see us each week - they have a large and small stuffed Barney that Wilson adores (we have one at home, but it's just not the same at home). The wonderful ladies even let Emma Claire and Wilson scan their own books in - they think they are hot stuff! Yes, it means leaving the house at 4:00 instead of 4:30, but it's worth it to see their excitement - plus we have new books to read at night and new movies to entertain them during the week!

"they're MAGIC!"
Sorry for the poor picture quality - these are cell phone shots!