Sorry for the lack of posts lately....I am in Mobile playing in the State Tennis Tournament. I don't have any pictures to share, b/c it's pretty hard to take pictures of yourself, or anyone for that matter, when you're out on the court playing. I did take a few pics last night at a Mexican Restaurant - we were serenaded (and practically seduced) by the Mexican band playing "at request" around the restaurant. I don't think I've laughed that hard in all my life!!!!
We have had a great time. I have won all my matches so far - we beat Birmingham Bussey team - YAY us!!!!! We did lose to Mobile as a team - won 2 courts, lost 3 (one in a two-time tie breaker that went into extra points - the girls played HARD for 3 hours - from 12:30 - 3:30 in the afternoon sun in southern ALABAMA!!!), but if Mobile gets beat today or tomorrow, we're still in it for the semifinals!!!! We will be cheering for Birmingham Bussey team this morning as they play Mobile - we are hoping they whip them!!!!
It's been a great time - good girls weekend!!!! The children are having a blast at my parents' house and Will is enjoying some beach time too! So, I am enjoing my trip without any of the usual "mommy guilt" associated with leaving 3 children at home with husband and babysitters!!!
Hopefully I'll get some great pictures today and can share them soon, though we get soooooo sweaty and gross - it's HOT down here, ya'll! Even if I do get pictures, I'm not sure I'll want to post them - maybe some from the tennis party tonight at the Battleship - I've heard it's alot of fun!
Fashion Friday: Edition you can find me in Round Top
19 hours ago