These little blue eyes aren't smiling much these days.... Wilson and Henderson are both sick - came home from school snotty and coughing and quickly began running a fever - both want me to hold them constantly. Henderson has been sleeping most all day, so that has made things a little easier, but nothing is easy with Wilson. In my attempt to get him to take some tylenol and simple cough syrup, the old gag reflex kicked right in. All over both of us!!!! No medicine is getting in this guy unless it's intramuscular!

Good news is, no climbing is going on either, just laying around watching movies and wanting mama to "hold you". I hate to see them sick, but it sure is nice when they slow down enough to want some "mama time." Henderson slept in my arms for 30 minutes today until I had to put him in his bed when Wilson woke up and wanted me to hold him. My children are not "normally" cuddly - not even my infants - they get this honestly - their mommy is not a touchy feely type person AT ALL, but I do love some cuddling - even if it is with a fire hot baby!

About a month ago Wilson finally learned how to open the pantry door and quickly learned how to scale the shelves and get what he wants, though what he wants is still a mystery - to all of us. The eating hasn't gotten ANY better.

Henderson is getting faster and faster every day. His favorite spot is at the top of any of the 2-step steps in our house (there are 3 of them). He just sits there and smiles and waits for someone to help him down - he's fallen enough to have a healthy fear! Now for the big staircase, that's another story. Wilson has also learned in the last week to unlock the gate, so I can't keep Henderson out of my sight when Wilson is awake!

Hopefully they will take a turn for the better overnight and be all well by the weekend!