Wednesday afternoon I had Marlee and Mary Alice over to play with Emma Claire before church. Mary Alice's mom, Ashley, had a last minute appointment to show her house, so this enabled her to get her house ready without little girls running around and pulling out toys and dolls!!!!
Easter Cookies and Jellybeans were eaten
(He's clinched tightly to that bag, saying "don't you dare take this goodness from me!")

Everyone got a chance to show me their "mallow mouth"!!!!

Ashley and Sarah Davis arrived - I don't know who was more worn out - Ashley from speed cleaning her house, or me, with 5 little children running around!
Everyone got a chance to show me their "mallow mouth"!!!!
Ashley and Sarah Davis arrived - I don't know who was more worn out - Ashley from speed cleaning her house, or me, with 5 little children running around!
(no one wanted the be the seeker!!!)
This is the little guy that wore me out the most - flat out refused to take a nap, took his underwear off and pooped right smack in the middle of Emma Claire's floor (amongst the pretty girls, I might add!), (only accident this week, but at least he thought to take his underwear off first - I think he was trying to show off for the girls:), threw the roll of paper towels (that I had out to clean up the poop) into the toilet and then got them out and consequently got water ALL OVER The bathroom and adjoining rooms!!!! He then got a spanking and sat in time out for being rough with the girls......what else???? Let's just say I was GLAD to be going to the House of the Lord that night!

These 3 had a blast - they are the sweetest group of girls I have ever met - Have I said that before? Oh Yeah, I have! We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great friends and family!

These 3 had a blast - they are the sweetest group of girls I have ever met - Have I said that before? Oh Yeah, I have! We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great friends and family!
What a weekend we have coming up - Will and I are taking a "mini vacation" tonight in honor of our Anniversary that happens to fall on Easter Sunday this year! We are staying in town, but going out to dinner and spending the night out! I am going to a local spa this afternoon and Will is getting a massage in the morning - much needed pampering!!!! Then the weekend REALLY gets kicked off with an Egg Hunt on Saturday from 11-1, then another from 2-4, then a Sunday School social from 5-8!!!! Sunday of course is Easter morning and then a lunch at Will's parents house with all his family and mine and then another Easter Egg hunt in the backyard with cousins and THEN, if that is not enough, Sunday afternoon, Emma Claire is leaving for the beach for Spring Break with her Aunt Ellen and Nana and cousins!!!!! I need to get her packed and ready!!!!! A big Thanks to my sister, Katie and her fiance Matt for coming this afternoon to take care of the 3 munchkins while Will and I enjoy a night out!