Yesterday, about 1:00 I got a call from the Dayschool that Henderson (4 mos) was running a fever - 102.6 (axillary, so really 103.6)- he has had an ear infection for the last week so we both assumed that was what it was. The director said he could stay (since Thursday is the only day I work all day) if we brought him some tylenol and the fever went down. Well, I was about to go into a meeting, so Will took him some Tylenol at 1:30. At 2:30 I got another call that he was still running a fever -102.9. I called the Pediatricians office and b/c he is on an antibiotic and still running a high fever, they wanted to see him right away. So I leave work and pick him up and take him to the doctor at 3:00. He has a mild rash all over his body (little red dots, nothing raised or serious-looking) my other two children have had this before when they run fever. The doctor assumes it is just a fever virus b/c his ears look great, but b/c the fever was so high and he is so young, she ran some blood work and did a urine test just to make sure. Well, his blood work came back and his WBC count was 25,000 (should be 5,000-10,000). She sends us to the hospital lab (it's now 4:45 and the lab closes at 5:00) to have more blood drawn and a urine culture done. We get there at 4:59 and they get us back. They put the tourniquet on his arm and try to find a vein and stick the needle and tubing in and WIGGLE it around to find blood, but can't find any. SO, they go to the other arm and do the same - NO BLOOD!!! They go back to the original arm and stick him again and finally find blood, they are able to fill 2 vials (they need 3) when no more blood will come out (I guess he's a little dehydrated). So they go to the hand and find more blood (I feel like I'm talking about digging for oil right now!!!=) After 30 minutes of holding H's legs down and listening to him scream bloody murder and turn bright red and blue, it's finally over (or so I think). We go back to the Pediatrician's office and he is SOUND asleep in his carrier (you would be too after all that screaming). We are waiting for the CBC, CRP and urine results (the cultures take longer) and the doc comes in and says she is going to give him 2 Rocephin (sp?) shots - an antibiotic, just to cover any infection. Well, I WAKE him up and the nurse comes in and tells me what she is going to do - the shots are BIG and they have lidocaine in them b/c they hurt so bad - it's thick and I need to give him Motrin for the next 24 hours b/c he will be SORE - ya think?????? My little man is black and blue all over from 7 sticks in 2 hours - not just little vaccine sticks, but BIG needle/tubing/squeezing/thick sticks. I hate I didn't get a picture of him all bandaged up - he was a sight, but he began eating the guaze and tape and bandaids, so I had to take them off and throw them away! The urine came back clean and the CBC confirmed that the Ped lab is correct - WBC still at 25,000, the CRP is slightly elevated - meaning there is some sort of inflamation going on probably. He ran a high fever about midnight last night - 103.3, I prayed over him and couldn't sleep until he finally went to sleep an hour later when the fever broke. We go back today for more results and a follow-up - no one seems to know what's going on. He will get 2 more shots of Rocephin if he's not better and possibly more blood work - Seriously, poor guy =(
Please pray that he will get better miraculously and if that is not God's will that we will at least know how to treat it.
Sorry no new pictures lately - but here is the little guy - how he looks even when he's sick - with a big smile on his face - he was all smiles even with 103 degree fever!!!!