We had a WONDERFUL wedding weekend - every part of it was fantastic!!!! The children did great, from the rehearsal (only picture I have of the church) to the party and the wedding and reception. I learned at the rehearsal that the BOYS.DID.NOT need to be present during the ceremony. They were climbing all over the altar and steps!!!!
The After rehearsal party was a alot of fun, though Henderson was a handful - note NO HIGHCHAIRS!!!!
Typical Emma Claire fingers - she's eating shrimp - she makes these fingers often when she gets in a mess - always needs wet paper towels!
All the bridesmaids and groomsmen were so nice and patient with all the children!
Matt and Katie love all our children too!
My mom and her sister, Brenda at the bridesmaids luncheon.
Katie and all her bridesmaids.
The girls (my mom and sisters)
Katie and my mom and Matt's mom and grandmother.
Katie telling her engagement story
Right before the wedding
After pictures, before the wedding - they got stripped down and that always leads to silliness!
They both made it down the aisle! Wilson with his arm over his eyes and Henderson lagging about 10 feet behind just looking at everyone and toddling down with his cute self! Will came in the side door at the front to take them out and the music stopped just as he was exiting and you could here Wilson cry out "I want my Mommy!!!" It was a little comedic relief!

A quick photo shoot of my own after the professional pictures - ***all these pictures are completely unedited by the way!
And the RECEPTION!!!! The boys absolutely had the time of their lives watching and dancing with the band!
A quick photo shoot of my own after the professional pictures - ***all these pictures are completely unedited by the way!