Just a few more pictures to share!!!!
Fly Emma Claire Fly!!!!
A Playground on the beach - what a novel idea!!!
It's very unusual that we are ALL out on the beach at the same time - we couldn't pass up this photo-op!!!!!
Henderson says "Hey" - he's still not feeling great, but the up-side is, he's sleeping ALOT - like 6 hours during the day!!!!!
Will caught the HUMONGOUS crab near the shore - SCARY!!!! He kept snapping at us when we bent over the bucket to look at him - we didn't boil him though - he was set free!!!!
Hopefully not to pinch us today!!!!

Another night out for the 4 of us - thank you Nana and Grandaddy Bud!!!!

On another note - we got a call from home last night - apparently our dog, Daisy, who is at home, tried to jump the fence yesterday and got her hind leg caught in the fence on the way down. When our friend, Todd got there last night to check on her and feed her, he found her and had to free her. I am so sad - mainly because she's suffering all alone. Today, our friend, Bradley is checking on her and probably taking her to the vet at lunch to have him look at it. I am sad for her and sad to lose my running partner for awhile - but hopefully only temporarily. We'll know more later.