WARNING!!!! This post could easily have been 3 posts - especially picturewise, but here goes!!!!
First of all, Henderson woke up fever free today!!!!! It broke late yesterday afternoon and he hasn't had any tylenol or motrin since Saturday at noon. He was pretty fussy and lethargic today though, you can still tell he doesn't feel great, but no fever is a good sign. He hasn't had much to eat or drink - a total of about 6 oz all day, but he's had a couple wet diapers, so that's good. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better.
Today was the finale of "Annie" and we got a babysitter and took Emma Claire to the show! IT.WAS.AWESOME!!!!! Emma Claire has been singing and dancing all afternoon - she is determined to be up there for the next show in the fall ("Alice in Wonderland" is what I've heard) - we'll see about that. We have alot of work to do, but I know it's something she would enjoy, so we'll give it a try! Her cousin, Chandler, who was a little orphan, did great - they all did great!!!!
This is Will and I and Emma Claire, Will's mom and dad, Will's sister (Ellen) and her husband (Stan) and Chandler and Patton
We had front row seats!!!!!
3 little orphans, glad to be finished and enjoying the cast party!!!
Pajama clad Emma Claire watching "Bible Man" - have you ever heard of these videos??? They're GREAT and she loves them - they are loaded with scripture and teach a lesson with every show - very "super hero" like!!!!!