Recently I took the children out in the backyard for an impromptu photo shoot after church one Sunday! We are really enjoying this fall weather and our new house! It's so fun to be in a new house during the first change of the seasons! 
God has blessed me with so much - a loving, generous husband who provides for us and works hard! 3 beautiful, healthy children who love each other and love others and love life in general! Family and friends who are always there for us and make me laugh and smile daily! What more can I ask for?
The house renovations are complete, and I have been decorating for Christmas - I know - EARLY!!!! I LOVE it though. I'm nearly done and now it's time to clean up all the pine needles and dust and ENJOY it each and every day! It's been fun decorating a new house, I can't wait to share it with you all! Christmas shopping is nearly done also, thanks to the Internet, so I hope to enjoy the season and my family and really focus on the true meaning of Christmas!!!
Emma Claire is in Winnie the Pooh-A Christmas Tail production by Tuscaloosa Children's Theatre, so she's busy practicing for that, the boys are being boys and destroying my house as quick as I can clean it up! They are both going to the Alabama football game tonight with Will and I - they are beyond excited! I got their hats and gloves out last night and Wilson slept in his and then wore them to school - he can't WAIT!!!! Emma Claire was given the opportunity to go to the game, but said, "all you do is SIT there" and opted to go to play practice and spend the night with her grandmother instead!!!!
Thanksgiving is right upon us and I can't wait to be with family and enjoy the slow pace of this special Holiday - just eating and fellowship and enjoying God's blessings!!!!