Can we talk about what a BUSY month May is???? WOW!!!! I thought the Holidays around Christmas were bad, but now that I have a child approaching grade school - whew - May has December beat by a long haul!!!!!
So, nearly a week later, here is our Memorial Day weekend fun. This is where we were before the ballet Dress Rehearsal - and explains a little of why I still had my swimsuit on in the picture.
What is still a mystery, is where the bra and panties I had packed to take to the lake are. They originally were hanging around the hanger that my shirt and shorts were on. I then remember taking them off the hanger, because I didn't want to carry my clothes in the house with undergarments hanging in plain view. I placed them in my carry-on bag - or so I thought. When it came time to change clothes to head to the dress rehearsal they were no where to be found. I was a little frustrated, but figured I laid them down on the sofa or bed instead of putting them in the bag (because getting our clan ready to go anywhere, not to mention the lake and THEN straight to a full-costume, makeup dress rehearsal, is no easy task - especially in the 20 minutes I had because I chose to run with 3 friends that morning and we stood around chatting for 30 minutes AFTER the run). So, anyways, back to the missing undergarments..... I just assumed they would be laying around somewhere when I got home. I still haven't found them to this day.
Somewhere, someone or something has a fabulous pair of panties and a fairly new bra. Please send them my way if you see them on the side of the road or something. Just kidding - just throw them out, or better yet, please don't be picking up random undergarments on the side of the road. Just a bit of advice.
I also have spent the ENTIRE day fretting over and turning my house upside down searching for Emma Claire's glasses. I finally found them a few minutes ago in Wilson's room - I have no idea, uuhmppph, how they got in there, really, I don't. But thankfully $200 will not be spent on new glasses any time soon.
Losing things (and double faulting in tennis) are the most frustrating things EVER!!!! I totally despise myself (not really) and can't think of anything else when I lose or misplace something.
So, here are some pictures of our lake day - it was spent at my BIL's father's house on Lake Tuscaloosa. It was a cloudy, drizzly day, but that didn't stop our waterbugs!!!! We had a great time swimming in the pool, taking a boat ride, fishing, and riding the wave runner.

Can you tell they are COLD?????