Welcome to our home! We are glad you could come! Do you smell the cinnamon, hear the Christmas carols, feel the heat from the crackling fire? Well, settle in and visit for awhile, let me know what you think!

Dear Ole Frosty
Basement Den (to the right of this room are the older childrens' rooms)

Table top tree filled with memorable ornaments (that picture ornament you see, is Will as a child - looks JUST like Emma Claire)

Basement Den Fireplace - no mantle - anyone have any great (cheap) ideas?
Upstairs Den fireplace, again no mantle
Our "friend" tree - this is the Childrens' tree - to do whatever they want to with!

Upstairs den - Wilson has yet to pick up these ornaments off this table - I CAN'T BELIVE IT!!!!

Master Bedroom table and mirror
Dear old Santa in the kitchen, handed down from Will's mom

Server in the Living Room
Funkey little tree in Henderson's room

Living Room
Den - those balls again - they look tempting to me and I'm not a 2 year old boy - it's only a matter of time!!! =)

Dining Room - that picture over there - don't let it scare you - that's Will's Great Great Grandfather
Stockings hung by the bannister with care, in hopes that St. Nicolas soon will be there!!!
From the Foyer looking into the Living Room

"MY" Tree - you get a "pop" if you touch it - how many times have I said that???? (and I don't mean soda pop)

For the elves 1st night, they emptied out my tupperware cabinets, and propped themselves right in the middle of the mess - those stinky little elves!!! Emma Claire was soooo excited to see that they had acted CRAZY the night before!!!!! I even had 2 little helpers clean up the elves' mess! This elf thing sure is helping to get EC out of bed with no whining every morning!

Table top tree filled with memorable ornaments (that picture ornament you see, is Will as a child - looks JUST like Emma Claire)

Basement Den Fireplace - no mantle - anyone have any great (cheap) ideas?
Upstairs Den fireplace, again no mantle

Upstairs den - Wilson has yet to pick up these ornaments off this table - I CAN'T BELIVE IT!!!!

Master Bedroom table and mirror

Server in the Living Room

Living Room

Dining Room - that picture over there - don't let it scare you - that's Will's Great Great Grandfather

"MY" Tree - you get a "pop" if you touch it - how many times have I said that???? (and I don't mean soda pop)

For the elves 1st night, they emptied out my tupperware cabinets, and propped themselves right in the middle of the mess - those stinky little elves!!! Emma Claire was soooo excited to see that they had acted CRAZY the night before!!!!! I even had 2 little helpers clean up the elves' mess! This elf thing sure is helping to get EC out of bed with no whining every morning!