We had a great weekend. Will went to the Alabama game, so I had the children by myself all Saturday and Sunday morning. It was a pretty uneventful weekend, besides Wilson's little mishaps: 1) on Sat. morning I was doing housework and I put Henderson down in the kitchen floor to put something in the refrigerator and he was just sitting there happy, so I thought I would take advantage of the moment and I ran downstairs to clean up something. After being down there about 5 minutes, I realized it was a little too quiet (knowing Wilson and Henderson were both upstairs), so I went up to the kitchen and Wilson had emptied out the entire cabinet under the sink and emptied out a brand new GIGANTIC box of garbage bags and was giving them to Henderson to play with - now Henderson was having a blast, but little did he know the suffocation risk that was associated with such a fun game!!!! I did not have my camera nearby, so no pictures, but it gave me some insight on the times to come with these 2 hooligans!
2.) As we were getting ready to walk out the door for church on Sunday morning, I was in the kitchen getting bottles and sippy cups out of the refrigerator when I heard an extremely loud bang of metal on wood from the living room. I slowly (b/c no crying could be heard and I was fearful of what I might find) walked into the living room and found Wilson cowering in the corner b/c he had pulled my curtains right off the wall - and broke the bracket too. I was not a happy camper - I screamed a little too much at the little guy and his innocent sister too - just cause she was there. I sent them downstairs to play while I re-grouped. We then had our own little prayer group where I apologized to them and to Jesus for screaming and yelling and asked for their forgiveness and we hugged and kissed and they prayed to Jesus and said they were sorry for acting so badly. All was good the rest of the morning.
Saturday afternoon we went to my SIL's house to watch the game with great friends - the children played outside most of the time and had a blast - ROLL TIDE!
The rest of the weekend is portrayed in pictures!