The date on this post should be August 27th, 2008 - I began a draft yesterday, so I guess that's when it dated it - sorry Emma Claire!

Happy 4th Birthday to my first born. After a months' worth of birthday parties and celebrations - it is now your official birthday - I know you are confused, I could tell by the look of astonishment on your face when I told you you were FINALLY 4!!! Happy Birthday to my one daughter whom I love with all my life. You have come so far from that incubator you stayed in for a full month! God knew what he was doing when he brought you here 2 months early - what great godly friends you will be surrounded with the rest of your life, simply b/c you were born before Sept. 1st. You are what drives me to be a better mom - you make me laugh, make me smile, make me strive harder to be a better person, because you are a sweet sweet soul who loves life! You are my compliant one who wants to please, who loves scary movies just like her daddy and nana, who is neat and hates to be dirty like her mommy, who loves her brothers and has never complained that I often have to spend more time focusing on them because you just tend to "take care of yourself". I love you sweetie and one day very soon, when you can read this I want you to know how much I love you. You are the predictable one, the independent one who can play for hours by yourself and be so happy doing it. You love others and are sensitive to their needs - you and your "bestest" friend and cousin Patton will forever be best buddies, is my prayer. I pray that God will continue to grow you up with a love for Him and His Word, with a love for others and with a love for life! I love you!
Now, I need everyone's help. Of course everyone has their opinion about who Henderson looks like and I, as his mother, cannot tell. From first look, I would say he resembles Emma Claire's baby pictures, but I think it's just because their heads (hair) are exactly alike. What do you think - please tell me!
The next 2 pictures are of Henderson

The next 2 pictures are of Emma Claire

This next one is Emma Claire and Wilson

They are all between 3 1/2 and 5 months (Emma Claire is older in all of them, but she was born 2 months early, so it should make it even.)