I've been tagged by Rachel.
8 TV shows I watch:
(some of these I love, but b/c of recent convictions concerning some content, I have been watching them less and less)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate Housewives
3. The Biggest Loser
4. Days of Our Lives
5. American Idol
6. House
7. Jon and Kate plus 8 (when I remember)
8. The Duggars
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Chic-Fil-A
2. Chuck's Fish
3. DePalma's
4. Outback
5. City Cafe
6. Cypress Inn
7. Taco Casa
8. Ruth's Chris
8 Things that happened this week:
1. Came back to work from 9:00 pm until 11:30 pm for a Christmas Open House last night, then back to work at 7:00 am this morning!!!!
2. Went to 2 doctor's appointments with my children
3. Got my Christmas present (a coat I ordered online) in the mail!
4. Helped teach 3-year old choir
5. Watched Emma Claire perform in her Christmas program at church
6. Cheered on the TIDE in the SEC championship (so sad we lost)
7. Prayed for my youngest child to wake up in the night to eat!
8. Bought small presents for my children to give to their teachers and friends at school
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Heaven
2. A house that stays clean more than 30 minutes
3. Christmas Eve and morning
4. A vacation with my husband
5. Spending time with our families over the holidays
6. Watching my children play and laugh together
7. Checking the mail for more Christmas Cards/Greetings
8. A busy but fun-filled weekend of gymnastics recitals, church programs, hay rides, basketball games, birthday parties and neighborhood parties!
8 Things I wish for/pray for:
1. A vacation with my husband
2. To be more others-focused
3. For my children to come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ
4. A housekeeper (or more time and energy to do it myself)
5. For my children to see each other as their "bestest" friends
6. For the health of my family
7. For my children to love others with a Christ-like love
8. For my dad to find a job again and my sister to find a job and move to Tuscaloosa (and hopefully get married)!
8 people I tag:
1. Katie
3. Becky
4. Lindsey
5. Tara
6. Abby
7. Darby
8. Andi
Fashion Friday: Edition you can find me in Round Top
21 hours ago