Thanks Aunt Katie for a fun visit last weekend - we went to the pool, made brownies and had lots of fun at home!

We've been doing a lot of exersaucer time and tummy time - he's not so crazy about tummy time!

Now to the Little Rascal aka Wilson!!!!
This morning as we were getting ready for work/school, Wilson came into the bathroon with a large ziplock bag saying "Dat Dat" (meaning I want that - food). I knew he had been in the kitchen by himself (which is never good) so I immediately followed him in there to see what damage he had done. I don't have a picture, but he had emptied the drawer with all the ziplock bags all over the kitchen, emptied out my pump with all the accessories and emptied out the mini cooler (which held my drinks for the day) - but the drinks could not be found anywhere???? I asked Wilson "Where are mommy's drinks?" He said "Mommy's juice dat" and pointed to the lower oven - low and behold, there they were - in the oven. I guess since he can't open the refrigerator (Thank God!!!) he thought they would fit nicely in the oven. I'm just glad I found them before i turned the oven on - what would canned soda do in a 350 degree oven??? Hmmm??? I don't want to find out!
Last weekend while my sister Katie was here for a visit and at some point Wilson came up missing. I found him in my bathroom covered in lipstick. Back up 30 minutes, I had painted my toenails while
Wilson looked on eagerly - but being a boy, I did not paint his - though he wanted me to badly. Well, little Wilson decided he would do it on his own. He couldn't get the fingernail polish open (again, Thank God!), so he decided lipstick would do just fine - every toe nail and fingernail and mouth and stomach and legs (floor)- everywhere was covered in lipstick. How he got it I can't imagine, I keep my makeup bag way to the bag of the counter at all times just so this kind of thing won't happen - maeup cost way too much for little hands to destroy it! He must have used his monkey hands and feet to pull himself up just high enough to reach it and pull it down! The bittersweet part was, he had just gotten out of the bath - good b/c he only had a diaper on, bad b/c back in the bath he went!!! Two tubes of lipstick gone and this is how he looked!
Henderson is growing fast - he is such a good baby - he loves his fingers and thumbs and he has found his feet!
We've been doing a lot of exersaucer time and tummy time - he's not so crazy about tummy time!
Wilson is getting ready for Emma Claire's Princess/Power Ranger party tomorrow - which will he be - a Power Ranger I hope!! :)??? I'll try to get lots of great pictures and post Monday!