Last night I did a load of colored clothes (b/c I can do that EVERYDAY - it's amazing how much "space" colored winter clothes take up!!!) Anyhow, when I went to take the clothes out of the dryer I noticed white stuff ALL.OVER.THE.CLOTHES. Great - I probably left a tissue in my pocket or something. NOPE - there, laying on top of all the clothes was a HUGE Diaper!!!! Now how in the world did THAT get in my laundry?
One Guess....
As I type this, the majority of the clothes are in the dryer, in hopes that the lint filter will get most of it out and my jeans and a pair of plack yoga pants went through the wash AGAIN. This time WITHOUT any diapers!!!!
***on a totally separate note, have you seen the comment on my last post? It's from somewhere in Asia - not a single letter from our alphabet in sight. TOTALLY.FREAKED.ME.OUT when that showed up in my inbox. Have you ever gotten a comment like that????