At school this month, the children have been learning about the life of Moses. They started with Moses as a baby and have worked up to his adult life. This week, they have been learning the Ten Commandments. Emma Claire is a rock star when it comes to saying Bible verses. She says them over and over and even turns them into songs sometimes. Well, the other night she was reciting some of the Ten Commandments and this is how the conversation went:
EC: You shall not worship idols.
Mommy: (Assumming she knew, but not sure) Emma Claire, what are idols?
EC: (pointing to her eyes) "Eyeballs" mommy!!??? (in her sarcastic, duh, don't you know that mommy, voice?!!)
Will and I laughed soooo hard and then went on to TRY and explain what idols are - in the times of Moses it would have been like a cow or a statue, but today it usually is something less-obvious, like money or fame or people.
How I love these blessings God has given me - they keep me on my toes and keep me laughing everyday!