Three and 1/2 weeks and counting! I can tell it's getting close to delivery time b/c for the past week instead of being tired all the time at home, I'm now searching for things to do - like cleaning out closets and getting newborn baby supplies ready --I say "Newborn Baby supplies" b/c really besides a baby bath tub, I still use baby supplies for Wilson, my 18 month old - diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, bottles ( yes I said bottles - he's 18 months and barely 19 pounds dripping wet, so whatever this little one wants as far as food and drink goes, he gets, and at this point, whatever works to keep the peace!) I have 2 baby beds, 2 infant car seats (technically Wilson should still be backward facing, but sometimes, he just needs to watch a DVD with his sister!!), 5 toddler car seats and 1 booster seat - remember we have cousins living less than a mile from us who are all the exact same age!!!! I now drive a van and own 2 double strollers (one regular, one jogger) which stays in my car (van) at all times b/c you never know when you'll need it with this wild gang! Back to searching for things to do at home - scrubbing pollen off the screened porch, blowing all the wormy looking things off the driveway (how did my back hold up to that one?), planting flowers, having a garage sale, scrubbing floors, wiping bottoms, watching the children run around in panties and diapers (or less) with the water hose enjoying this marvelous spring weather! Emma Claire helped me scrub all 3 bathrooms top to bottom - she has really become a great helper lately - just in time!

So, all in all we're having a great time around our house! We stay in play clothes and pajamas alot, whenever possible, and Emma Claire has really gotten into painting pictures on her easel she got for Christmas! If only we could just get finished with all these doctors appointments - Wilson came through his surgery great on Friday (his 2nd EGD at Children's Hospital - we're still trying to find out why he won't eat and weighs only 18# 9 oz). Emma Claire is doing great with her cast off - still a slight limp - we only have one more follow-up visit for her. And I have only 2 more visits with my doctor before May 2nd ( i think), then we'll begin all the newborn pediatrician visits - I pray Henderson will be healthy and that summer-time will be good for keeping away all those cold and flu bugs!!! God has blessed us so much and I look forward to a chaotic, but fun-filled summer with my 3 little ones. We're off to play in the awesome sand box at Will's parents house after lunch this afternoon, hopefully the sun will be shining bright! Well, since this is a whole bunch of random facts about our life right now, I hope I haven't bored anyone!