Guess who's 11 months old today???? Can it really be????
I love you sweet man - but slow down - you're about to turn 1 which means I won't have an "infant" anymore - never again. It's bittersweet. Last night after helping teach 3 year old choir, the teachers were all meeting together just chatting and our director was talking about her oldest daughter going to prom and graduating and going to college soon. All the details about picking out dresses and boys and classes and all the things that go with older teenagers was exciting and a teeny weeny part of me longed for that type of relationship with Emma Claire - that going from being the "mom" to being the "friend". But then I quickly snapped out of it and realized how quickly time passes and it just re-emphasized the need to make every moment count. My children will never be this age again.
With all the dirty diapers and potty training mishaps and toys scattered all over and sippee cups spilling and going to bed with bottles (still - 2 of my children) and hugs and kisses in the morning (and when saying good-bye) and bedtime stories and kissing boo-boos and tying shoes and putting in pigtails. TIME.SLOW.DOWN.
Lord, please help me to enjoy EVERY MOMENT, good and bad, stressful and exciting. Help me to realize this is their NOW. I can never get these days back. Help me to balance love and discipline, being a mommy and being a friend, taking control and giving independence. Guide me, give me strength and endurance and patience and most importantly LOVE. Amen.
***and Yes, he went to school in his pajamas - Will goes to Men's Fraternity (a men's bible study at our church) on Thursday mornings at 6:00, so it's just the children and me - to school and work by 7:00 - you do what you gotta do!!!!

!!!! Can I tell you how excited Wilson was to get to wear this jersey today??? I may never get it off of him!!!!
!!!! Can I tell you how excited Wilson was to get to wear this jersey today??? I may never get it off of him!!!!