Well, I returned to work yesterday. It was a good experience overall, it flew by, before I knew it 12:00 had come and I was home. Emma Claire and Wilson were so excited to see me when I walked in the door, that it almost made it worth it to be gone for awhile. Though if given the choice, I would stay home with them in a second, but as anyone knows, the economy is not so great, I have a GREAT flexible job with awesome hours and what can I say, I like my nice house, I like my nice car and I love to buy the children smocked clothes!!!! All of which cost lots of money, so for now, I keep on working!
Our lives are somewhat normal, Henderson is a great baby - my best so far, as far as the crying and sleeping goes. He will just sit in the bouncy seat and look around - I have never had a baby who would just sit and be happy. He sleeps about 13 hours every night and has been for 3 weeks now - he goes to bed around 6:30 pm and wakes between 7:30 and 8:00 am, of course that changes when their school opens on Aug 7 and I start having to wake him up before 7:00 am -- doesn't that just make you sick- to wake a sleeping baby - what if I totally destroy his good sleeping pattern????? Well, don't be too jealous of my sleeping baby because Wilson has now started waking up at 4:00 am every morning and since he is now in his BIG BOY bed (thanks to his monkey climbing abilities) he will not go back to sleep. I have managed to get him to watch Barney or Elmo in the playroom, but nevertheless, he comes into our room about every 15 minutes to give us an update on his show. He climbs into the bed and does nothing short of a dive onto Will or myself. How about that for a wakeup call? Just kidding, I secretly love it, because Wilson never does anything without the biggest smile plastered on his face - he absolutely gets the most joy out of life that you can't help but smile with him!
Some of our latest Wilson stories - he broke Emma Claire's glasses that we had had a whopping 3 weeks - but thank goodness they're under warranty (which I didn't know until I took them in to get fixed - could have saved me a lot of nauseous feelings had I known that when it happened on a Friday night and spent calling all of the "mall" optometry places b/c ours was not open on the weekend - of course no one else carried our brand of glasses - guess you should start off at the cheap places, huh?) Back to Wilson breaking her glasses, he got into Will's closed office , climbed up on his desk, broke the hard plastic case open and then broke the glasses -- where was I you ask? Feeding Henderson - where I always am when Wilson does something mischiefvous!
Wilson also has this, what shall I say, fondness, for his own Poo Poo. If I don't catch him immediately after he does his business, he is covered in it - it's like he thinks it's play dough! We have started sleeping in zippered, footed pajamas, but I can't possibly keep him in those in the 98 degree days! He has received countless spankings for this, but just keeps on getting in it! Any suggestions? And the bad part too, he has on average 4 dirty diapers a day - I know, he eats NOTHING, but still he manages to poop ALOT!
Another Wilson happening - on one of the cool mornings we had a couple of weeks ago, I left the back door to the screened porch open to let some cool air in the house. No big deal, the children can come and go out the back b/c we have a fenced- in backyard. I was feeding Henderson of course (7:00 am) and Will came to me wondering if I new where Wilson was. I told him he was probably downstairs playing with Emma Claire or in the playroom. Well, will found him in our driveway riding his 4-wheeler - he had gone out the back and somehow gotten out the gate down to the driveway -- he is such a little fast monkey and always into something!! Luckily we have a VERY long driveway so he was very far from the street!
Emma Claire attended Princess Dance Camp at the Dance Centre last week and loved it - so we are now signed up for Ballet in the fall, in addition to gymnastics. We have dropped soccer for the fall, but will pick it up in the spring. And this is only 1 child - Wilson will begin soccer and swimming lessons in just 1 year and then we'll really be busy!
We are trying to get in the last of the swimming pool this summer before it closes - I have to say we made it more often than I thought we would, given the ages of my children. I think we went every day last week. Emma Claire has gotten really good at swimming by herself, she loves the slide and the diving board. Wilson even went off the diving board several times, which really shouldn't suprise anyone given his activity level! We have had a great summer and I am sad to see it end, but with that ending comes the great football season and the Fall which I so enjoy with Halloween and Thanksgiving just around the corner. Well, for now it's off to work and a fun afternoon with the children!
Fashion Friday: Edition you can find me in Round Top
14 hours ago