Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's Halloween!!!

Dressed and ready for church on Wednesday afternoon - OCTOBER 1st - we don't waist any time around here!!! Is it wrong that my chidren have as many Halloween clothes as they do Christmas??????

Wilson would NOT look at the camera - so frustrating!!!!

Note the big boy clothes again - the day after Wilson wore his first "big boy" outfit to school he wore a Pirate Jon-Jon. On that same day I got a note home from his teacher asking all the moms of the 8 little boys in his class to please send them in more diaper changing friendly clothes b/c during diaper changing times is when all the biting (of which my son has been bitten 3 times in the last week), pushing and hitting occurs. So, while it's easier for me ironing wise, I still don't like it. Not to mention I have already purchased all of his fall and winter clothes, which consists of about 40 (no kidding here) longalls that all button or snap in the crotch =). I completely understand where she is coming from - I would not want to be the sole teacher of eight 2-year old little boys during diaper changing time!!!!! I politely told his teacher I would try my best, but that we only own 2 pairs of pants (no kidding here either)!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ask her to unbutton at the top of the outfits. So as to avoid all of the snaps on the legs. :) Slides right off and can be slipped right back on just as quick. Maybe she'll go for that! I am sure there is a lot of time buttoning and snapping, but they can be unbuttoned at the top.

Anonymous said...

Kellie - you are too funny!!! I love the halloween outfits!!! When I realized it was Oct 1 yesterday, I was like...YAY I can pull out our halloween decorations. I love FALL!!! Hope to see ya soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kellie,

you are so funny! If it makes you feel any better, my girls have several matching smocked Halloween/ Thanksgiving dresses too! And my husband doesn't quite understand my all holiday, all smocked addiction. Also, there is a great website out of Birmingham that has Beautiful gently used and brand new smocked outfits. It is called The prices are great and the owner is very kind and very particular about what she will accept.

Take Care,

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!