Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas Cards, what to do???
What do you do with the picture-Christmas cards that you have received and so elaborately displayed in your home?
Do you just throw them away?
Or do you put them up and keep them forever?
My first instinct is to just throw them away, but THAT IS SO HARD - these are PRECIOUS pictures!!!!!!
I think in the past, I have been reluctant to throw them away and instead just set them on the counter and probably my husband got tired of seeing them and tossed em!
I'm NOT a pack rat - I can throw lots of things away.
But these are PICTURES and they mean something!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
NOW! Christmas in Pictures!
Aunt Ellen and big boy Stanton - he is only 2 weeks younger than Henderson -- they are both GREAT babies!
The little boys and me - they're about worn out!
Aunt Ellen and Wilson - the only time he's still enough for pictures is when he has his "ba ba"
Nana and GrandDaddy Bud
Before the chaos began! It actually was quite calm, considering 7 children, 6 adults and 313,857 toys!!!!!
Leaving food out for the Reindeer (and that's rain, not snow!)
Getting ready to throw out Reindeer food in the rain
Wilson and Mills - good buddies
Emma Claire and her Santa gift - according to her it's the biggest doll house she has EVER SEEN!!!
Henderson and his Santa gift!
Breakfast Casserole
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas in a Nutshell
Christmas Eve, we spent the night at Will's parents house. The children helped put sand and candles in bags for the luminaires. We got them almost lit and guess what, TORNADO sirens began going off, YES, TORNADO! We took the children inside and turned on the weather - obviously we had not been watching the weather and this took us completely by surprise. It was headed directly for us, but by God's grace dissipated (sp?) and the warning expired after about 15 minutes. BUT, in it's wake was the heaviest rain I have EVER seen - it looked like a hurricane out there - rain blowing sideways! Needless to say the luminaires didn't stand a chance and the busy, beautiful light show that usually graces the neighborhood was dark. But Christmas Eve it was and we still had a blast. The children took their reindeer foot out in the rain and sprinkled it on the yard. Later, the cousins left to go to bed and we attempted to put ours to bed. Wilson and Henderson went down great, but Emma Claire, now that's another story.... We tucked her in and she seemed fine. Then I went downstairs and after a few minutes (thinking she was settled) began searching thorugh the wrapped gifts for a gift that I thought was lost. All of a sudden I hear "Mommy, why are you looking at all the gifts?" Emma Claire is sitting on the steps watching me - and who knows how long!? I was honest with her and told her that Nana got Wilson something and we are not sure where it is. She seemed fine with that. So.... I took her back upstairs again and tucked her in and said prayers and came back downstairs. After about 45 minutes, my BIL, Stan called to see if everyone was asleep so he come come over and set out "Santa", I said "YES". On second thought, I ran upstairs, JUST TO MAKE SURE. I quietly opened up the door to Emma Claire's room and NO ONE!!! The bed was empty, the room was empty, I looked all over the upstairs, NO EMMA CLAIRE. I ran down the stairs and told everyone - I can't find her!!!! I went to the kitchen where Nana was preparing things for breakfast and she wasn't in there. I turned the corner and screamed! She was crouched down under the bar stools with a sheet of paper in her hands. I couldn't help but laugh. I asked her why she was up and she said she never made her list for Santa. I explained to her that she went to see Santa TWICE and told him what she wanted. She said she only told him ONE thing =(. I told her that Santa knows what she wants and needs and he will bring her many things b/c she was a good girl. She then starts bawling crying, saying she got some spankings last year and that Santa wouldn't bring her anything. - Boy, her emotions were running wild - she is ONLY 4!!!! I took this as a learning opportunity and told her that Yes, she did get some spankings last year, but that Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that those sins would be forgiven and it was by that Grace that she would get any gifts! Then Will layed down with her (to make SURE she didn't get up again) and she continued to talk about not making a list and how did Santa know and what if she didn't get as many gifts as someone else. Her mind must have been turning 90 to nothing - you remember the feeling - I know I sure do! Finally alseep. We did our "preparations", realizing that much too much was bought, and with 7 children in one room - Chaos was very near!
A good night sleep was had by all - Wilson slept til 5:45 am - HUGE - I was expecting 4:00! WE managed to keep our children out of the den until their cousins arrived at 6:45 and they ran in and the rest was history - it was wild but fun! The rest of the day was pretty much spent outside enjoying the mild weather! We are so blessed to have happy, healthy children and wonderful family to spend everyday and the holidays with!
We are now enjoying some time with my parents and Katie (my younger sister) and her boyfriend Matt. I hope you all had a WONDERFUL CHRISTmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Milestones and Christmas Galore!
My mom and dad arrived last night and brought forth many gifts - the children just couldn't wait, so we let them open presents before the Candlelight service at church last night. Wilson got the playhut and they have had a blast with it! Henderson wasn't interested in any "baby toys", only bags and paper and anything Emma Claire and Wilson had - I've coined him the squealer - he doesn't cry - EVER, but the boy can squeal like a greased pig when he wants something!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
After the party we went to Will's parents house and let the children play outside while the weather was still WARM - (baby t's COLD outside now!!!!) Ya'll, I got on the trampoline with them and did 2 BACK FLIPS!!! Yes, this nearly 30 mother of 3 did 2 back flips and I'm not even sore this morning!!!! I had so much fun jumping with Emma Claire and Wilson, they got a kick out of their mommy doing such fun things on the trampoline!
The Happy Birthday Jesus party Friday was a blast - it dried off enough for the children to play outside and the hostess did an amazing job with the cake and cupcakes - see pictures below! I was a great time of play, celebration and fellowship!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Happy Birthday Jesus! We are going to a friends' house today for a Happy Birthday Jesus party - the children are doing a great job of remembering the Reason for the Season! Wilson even has a newfound love for baby dolls lately and goes into Emma Claire's room often and gets her life-size doll and carries it around - it's nearly as big as he is. The other day I found him (during his nap time) going into his sister's room (while she was sleeping) to take the baby doll from her into his room. He's such a little stinker. The focus today will be celebrating Jesus' birth and the children can't wait to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out candles!
In other news, Henderson is officially crawling - he crawled all the way out of his room and down the hall into the playroom last night. He gets hung up on his clothes sometimes, but with the warmer weather we've been having, I'm able to let him wear onesies or just a diaper some and he gets around just fine! Time to keep the gate to the stairs closed! Thank goodness Wilson can't open it on his own!
Monday, December 15, 2008
How did God....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Comes Alive!
Emma Claire with her "best buds"!
Yesterday we went to a friends house for a Christmas party and look who made an appearance! We weren't sure how Wilson would act towards the big man, but he actually sat and talked to him - maybe this is a step closer to touching Big Al! I was able to get a picture (1 out of 6) with all 3 children looking at me! It was a sweet party - the children played and made an ornament and had cookies!
At this point, right when Santa walked in the door, Wilson just looked at him, then laughed hysterically!
Henderson had a good time with some "new" toys!
I told the children that Santa was coming and when we drove up, this was outside and they thought this was "it" - funny how they would have been satisfied with just this! Wilson didn't want to come inside b/c he wanted to stay with Santa. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned in that - God has much better things awaiting us, if we'll just "come inside" and see!
Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!