We made some tasty comfort food on this COLD day at our house, using these fine ingredients!
I don't drink milk, but if it tasted like this I would drink it EVERYDAY!!!!! YUM!!!!
Remember to let it cool COMPLETELY or your cool whip will turn to liquid!
Next spread a container of cool whip over the top and crumble your choice of cookie or candy on the top!
I've seen this done with a yellow cake mix and butterfingers or strawberries - whatever your tastebuds desire - the sweetened condensed milk keeps it so moist! Remember to store it in your refrigerator!
She's my eater - can you tell?
Wilson didn't eat even one bite - so I gladly finished his off!
We ALL went.
Picture your church gym with the bleachers sitting 4 feet off the court.
I was holding Henderson in my lap and Emma Claire and Wilson were sitting beside me.
It was the tip off and the ball came straight for Wilson.
It was either sacrifice Henderson in my lap, or sacrifice Wilson.
Wilson got it!
Hit him smack in the nose and knocked him back off the bleachers.
The funny thing was that his daddy was the one going for the ball and he LET it go out of bounds!!!! Wilson cried that his daddy pushed him off the bleachers! I held him but couldn't help but laugh! He was alright - he's tough as nails.
They lost, but it was a fun time!
yum! can't wait to try!!!!
yummmmyyy!! Can I lick the bowl??
i'm the eater here! and yummo! oreos and whip cream! can it get better???
thanks for your comment love to support tuesday and cora today!
looks delicious! i'm packing on the pounds pretty good, so i might have to hold off on this for a while:).
yum...how wonderful! I am laughing that you and I don't 'know' eachother but I see you commenting on so many people's blogs that I do know & some of the blogs i just 'stalk'...seems the world is so small. Love looking at your blog. Your kids are too sweet :)
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