Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wildcat Soccer!!!!

Emma Claire is on the cutest soccer team in this country and not only are they cute, they're GOOD!!!! They played a team of 3 boys and they kicked their bu***!!!!(That's a bad word in our house) Anyways, really, if we were keeping score, it would easily have been 23-0. The ball only made it down to the opponents side of the field twice. Our girls rocked and looked good doing it if I say so myself!!!! These are Emma Claire's closest friends and the very reason we are sending her on to kindergarten in the fall despite her not turning 5 until August 27th. It is the best class of girls and we are in church with 4 out of the 6 and the other two come from AWESOME families!!!! We are so blessed to have such great friends surrounding us!

Beware of picture overload - I took 233 pictures today, so really you're only seeing a few!!!!!

Emma Claire and her cousin Patton, he was on this team of girls last year - the only boy - his mom thought better this year and requested boys!!!!

Couldn't they pass as twins????

Cousins Wilson and Mills hanging out on the sidelines.

Bonding for life!

Crazy girl!

Almost walking - standing all.the.time!!!!!


Becky said...

you got some great shots with that new camera! and i can't believe henderson is almost walking. AC isn't even crawling. i figured she'd be my quickest and she is my slowest. and i didn't think anyone could be slower than seth!! she needs to start crawling and walking off some of those rolls, that's for sure!!

Tara said...

Precious pics! Those will be great to look back on when the girls get older. I'm with Becky. I can't believe Henderson is almost walking! Wow!

Darby said...

Precious girls!! And I KNOW Henderson is not really standing and not really about to walk... slow that boy down!!! JM's still not crawling... close but not yet!

Katie said...

How cute are they!!! Let me know when EC's next soccer game is, I would LOVE to come watch! Miss you!

aedozier said...

Those are precious pictures!!! They will laugh when they get older and love that they have been friends forever.

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!