Sunday, May 31, 2009
Six Flags
Ya'll, we had a BLAST!!!! The day could not have gone any better. The 3 children were GREAT. We went with my sister in law, Ellen, and her husband, Stan, and 4 year old Patton. We also went with my best friend Ashley, her husband, William (who also happens to be dental partners with Stan) and their 5 year old daughter, Mary Alice. Since there were 9 of us, and all of our cars hold 8 people, we had to take 2 cars. The ladies rode in my van with the children on the way there, and the men rode in William and Ashley's SUV with the children on the way back (they got the better deal b/c the children were wiped out and slept almost the entire way home).
One piece of advice - splurge and get the Flash Pass Gold - you literally walk up to every ride and get on. Will and I did not buy it, but the other families did, so when it came time to ride the big roller coasters that the children cannot ride, Will (who will not ride them) kept the kiddos and I borrowed a Flash Pass and we rode quickly - even trade off, don't you think?
The children rode everything they were tall enough to ride- including the Mind Bender - the upside down roller coaster!!!!! I was tickled with pride!!! Now, I don't think any of them will be getting on it any time soon - but they all did it without freaking out! Emma Claire started crying AFTER the ride ended, but she said it was because her head hurt from hitting the side of the car so many times - I completely understood what she was talking about - one word - NINJA - the worst roller coaster EVER!!!!!
The best ones - SuperMan - Goliath - Georgia Scorcher!!!!!
Thunder River is always a favorite too - Emma Claire and I got the wettest of all - drinched to be exact!!!! If only I had been brave enough to take my camera!!!!
After we got home at 11:00, I was tucking Emma Claire in to bed and she told me it was the "best day ever"!!!!! That's my girl!!!!!
Today she's been talking about going again, next time taking her brother, Wilson - so sweet! Wilson sat with me while I was looking at the pictures of FB - he kept saying, "I want to ride!" I want to ride!" - I told him he's got to start eating first, so he can grow tall enough!!! Maybe that will be something I can hold over his head for awhile - not that I bribe him, EVER!!!!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Finally getting around to it....
I still haven't found them to this day.
Somewhere, someone or something has a fabulous pair of panties and a fairly new bra. Please send them my way if you see them on the side of the road or something. Just kidding - just throw them out, or better yet, please don't be picking up random undergarments on the side of the road. Just a bit of advice.
I also have spent the ENTIRE day fretting over and turning my house upside down searching for Emma Claire's glasses. I finally found them a few minutes ago in Wilson's room - I have no idea, uuhmppph, how they got in there, really, I don't. But thankfully $200 will not be spent on new glasses any time soon.
Losing things (and double faulting in tennis) are the most frustrating things EVER!!!! I totally despise myself (not really) and can't think of anything else when I lose or misplace something.
So, here are some pictures of our lake day - it was spent at my BIL's father's house on Lake Tuscaloosa. It was a cloudy, drizzly day, but that didn't stop our waterbugs!!!! We had a great time swimming in the pool, taking a boat ride, fishing, and riding the wave runner.
Emma Claire got a turn to drive.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Mother's Day Ballet
The dress rehearsal went fabulous - it finally ALL.CAME.TOGETHER!!!!! 13 little girls on stage with strollers and baby dolls = chaos, if not carefully planned!!!!! But, it WAS carefully planned and EXECUTED by some wonderful little mommas and teachers!!!! The preschool theme was Calendar Girls, with ours being Mother's Day - they were precious in their hats and dresses, pushing their babies in strollers and swaying them in the air!!!! The only thing lacking on Emma Claire at rehearsal was a smile - but she hit it big at the recital!!!!! She's typically a serious child and she was trying so hard to do it JUST.RIGHT!!!!!
(not even half of the beautiful bunch!!!!)
After the performance - flowers from her daddy and Nana!!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A day for the history books...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Crazy Daisy
Next up was Emma Claire's Wildcat Soccer Party - the girls had a blast as always - such a fun time and memories that were made with these girls!!!! I can only imagine the future that lays ahead of them!!!!
This little guy had his 12 month check up about 2 weeks ago. I forgot to post about it. He is doing great, but at only 17 lb 13 oz - barely on the chart at 2nd percentile.
This is the last week of 3 children in preschool - Yay Yay Yay!!!!!!! I decided to do bud vases of daisies for the 4 nursery teachers and director and supervisors - great idea until I got to my car and wondered how on EARTH I was getting all those bud vases to the school without spilling water or breaking flowers.
Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!