He was all about some makeup - and that's what he gets!!!!! Nothing like a good blackmail photo!!!!

Emma Claire had a last minute impromtu sleepover with Marlee and Mary Alice - I've learned that's the best way to do it!!!!! Another thing I learned - is to let them fall asleep watching a movie - they didn't even realize it was bed time and it prevented any sadness and "missing mommy" that might have occurred otherwise - though with this group of girls, I don't know that that would have happened - they are the most social 5 year olds I know (and Emma Claire is not even 5 yet!!!)

Henderson was trying to figure out who this girl was in his house at 7:00 in the morning?

They are a fun, silly bunch!!!!

Will commented that he didn't even know they were there!!!! Let's hope all our sleepovers end up this good!!!!!

Wilson got a little carried away painting his toenails - or FEET!!!!!
After the girls left, we cracked open a good ole watermelon, while we watched daddy do yard work!!!!!

This picture just cracks me up - if he wasn't "all boy" I'd be a little worried, but there is no mistaking Wilson's love for all things "boy"!!!!! For instance, early Sunday morning when he woke up, he jumped in our bedroom yelling "I'm BATMAN!!!!!!" That's how we woke up!!!!

Next up - creatures - we have caught them all - crickets, grasshoppers, frogs, caterpillars, worms - no snakes yet - THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!
Try a bite, Emma Claire - I think they are a delicacy in some countries!!!!

WATER TIME - instead of going to the pool on Saturday, we just stayed home and had fun in the water hose while I got some much needed laundry and house cleaning done!!!!

This had been the busiest summer, yet the most FUN summer EVER!!!! WE are constantly on the go - I still work everyday - I have a babysitter at home - she puts the boys down for their naps at 9:30 or 10:00 and by the time I get home at 12:30 - they are getting up and we head out to the pool or some other fun place!!!! We get in around 4:30 or 5:00 and settle in or get ready for some other fun activity - It's non-stop, but OH.SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!
Emma Claire had a last minute impromtu sleepover with Marlee and Mary Alice - I've learned that's the best way to do it!!!!! Another thing I learned - is to let them fall asleep watching a movie - they didn't even realize it was bed time and it prevented any sadness and "missing mommy" that might have occurred otherwise - though with this group of girls, I don't know that that would have happened - they are the most social 5 year olds I know (and Emma Claire is not even 5 yet!!!)
Henderson was trying to figure out who this girl was in his house at 7:00 in the morning?
They are a fun, silly bunch!!!!
Will commented that he didn't even know they were there!!!! Let's hope all our sleepovers end up this good!!!!!
Wilson got a little carried away painting his toenails - or FEET!!!!!
This picture just cracks me up - if he wasn't "all boy" I'd be a little worried, but there is no mistaking Wilson's love for all things "boy"!!!!! For instance, early Sunday morning when he woke up, he jumped in our bedroom yelling "I'm BATMAN!!!!!!" That's how we woke up!!!!
WATER TIME - instead of going to the pool on Saturday, we just stayed home and had fun in the water hose while I got some much needed laundry and house cleaning done!!!!
This had been the busiest summer, yet the most FUN summer EVER!!!! WE are constantly on the go - I still work everyday - I have a babysitter at home - she puts the boys down for their naps at 9:30 or 10:00 and by the time I get home at 12:30 - they are getting up and we head out to the pool or some other fun place!!!! We get in around 4:30 or 5:00 and settle in or get ready for some other fun activity - It's non-stop, but OH.SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!
Emma Claire has been quite the social bug this summer - Friday night she had her little sleepover at our house, Sunday night we had cousins over to play and eat dinner, then she and her cousin, Chandler spent the night with their Nana, and then last night,she went out to dinner for Chandler's b'day with friends and then spent the night at Marlee's house!!!! And that is just what she's done the last 4 days - that's pretty much been her summer so far and she has loved every minute of it - every few days it catches up with her and I make her take a good long nap, but then she is ready to go again!!!!! I just can't help but wonder all the great things God has in store for her life - she is an amazing little girl!!!!
Can I talk a little about this morning???? (Well, of course I can, it's MY blog and all) Now, you people up North or out West are going to laugh at me, but it was 65 glorious degrees this morning!!!!! Compared to the usual 75-80 degrees that it is at 5:00 AM, I was in heaven!!!! I ran 4 miles and hardly sweated a bit!!!! I past a man walking and he said, "it's a little cooler this morning" and I replied with a near shout - "It's Glorious!!!" I know he had to walk away snickering at my enthusiasm!!!! I was so excited to be running and actually BREATHING at the same time - I know it won't last, but I'm going to enjoy it while it does!!!!!