WE are in full-swing with Alice in Wonderland Practices and mini-performances. Last Saturday (and I can't believe I forgot to post about it before-hand) a group performed at the Pancake breakfast fundraiser. Emma Claire is part of the tears cast - they are Alice's tears that she cries and is "drowning" in. Their costumes were not ready yet, so they all wore blue shirts and jeans. It is going to be SO CUTE! Emma Claire is LOVING the play - she is sad on the days when there is no play practice! It is certainly making her come out of her "shell" - we've had a few problems with her being a little TOO excited at Play Practice - we are talking about it daily and working on it - she just LOVES acting (and she's 5, which makes it very hard to sit still and quiet at 8:00 at night) - but she's doing great!

This Friday and Saturday you can come to the Tuscaloosa Barnes and Noble and any purchase you make, a portion will be donated to the Tuscaloosa Children's Theatre - just mention the Children's Theatre at check out and they will automatically give a portion! There will also be mini-performances by the characters Friday evening and Saturday morning, but that schedule has not come out yet. I will try to let you know more as I find out! If you're in town for the Alabama vs Arkansas game - come by Saturday morning!

The next thing that has happened around here is that Wilson is now
3!!!!!!! I CANNOT believe it - 3 years have just FLOWN by! I really meant to do a special birthday post ON HIS birthday, but as you can see, last Saturday was quite busy. And don't for a second think that because Wilson is the middle child that he would be "forgotten" - belive me when I say that there is
NO WAY Wilson would ever let anyone forget him - or even "miss" him for a minute - you always know when Wilson is around - "Mr. Life Personified"!!!! This is especially true at 4:30 in the morning when he's at our bedside saying "Mommy, mommy, mommy I'm hungry, I want to watch a show" over and over and over again - until we get up and do requested task!!! It's a good thing I'm a morning person - not so good for Will some mornings when I'm already out the door for a run at 4:45 and THEN Wilson wakes up and it's all up to DADDY to deal with him!!!! Heee heee - I love it when I can make it out the door before Wilson wakes up! Hopefully one day he'll be my faithful running partner each morning.

(notice the eye patch on Emma Claire's left eye - this is part of her treatment to cover the "good eye" up at least 3 hours each day in order to strengthen the "weak" eye.)

Do you think he was excited about all the attention and cake he was getting?

Happy Birthday Sweet, Energetic, Concerned, Fiery, Sensitive, Caring, Beautiful, Ill-Tempered, Smart, Silly, Wild, Loveable, Tiny Wilson !!!! (see what I mean by Life Personified??)
I love you dearly, even though you are my greatest struggle right now. But our greatest stuggles are what brings us closer to Jesus, and for that I am thankful for each and every moment I have with you!