Thursday, November 12, 2009

Leaf Play

Note to self: the next time I want great fall pictures, I will not tell the children "to go play in the leaves!" Fun pictures, but they were fast paced and moving the entire time!

These were taken as we were getting in the car to go to church - no telling what was in their hair!!!

I love Fall!!!!

1 comment:

No Longer Newlyweds. said...

Where do you get Emma Claire's clothes? Adorable!

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!