I mean, seriously, November already? Well, let's not forget October quite yet....
We kicked off Halloween week last Monday with the Fall Festival, then Thursday night headed to Sorority Row for trick-or treating.
Emma Claire helped him paint the blood on - she was thrilled with his costume choice. Henderson on the other hand was scared silly!
Here we are waiting for the costume parade to begin! Henderson did not wear a costume b/c all of his involved a hat of some sort that he refused to wear!
Emma Claire was all bundled up - prepared for the chilly night!
Spider Man was ready too!
along with his cohort, Batman!
The little guys were excited to be free in the streets!
Henderson did a little flirting with Sarah Davis!
Then we began the walk - to find PIZZA at the end!
Some chose to ride!
Henderson did a little trick-or treating for the first time! Everytime I would hand him his bucket to go up to the door, he would hand them the bucket and then walk away - he didn't quite "get it" - thank goodness - b/c we still made it home with 4 buckets FULL of candy!
I am in swe at how we (including me) always handle the time change. Within 1-2 days, everyone adjusts just fine - back to normal as if no change ever occured! Maybe it's because EVERY event throughout the day changes, not just sleep and wake time. Meals change, naps change, baths change - all an hour later. Now, if only we could have left all the whining back in October - all would be great. Is it just me, or is 3 worse than 2 as far as whining and crying goes??? Wilson, oh Wilson - truly a strong-willed child, I will never judge other parents again - you have humbled me beyond my wildest imagination!
I pray for patience and guidance more than anything these days, "Jesus, please just show me how to be a good mother to him, to be consistent and patient and firm, yet loving and compassionate and gentle, and I pray that I will not dampen his excitement for life while still reigning in his emotions. Help me to know how to balance love and discipline."
Now comes the month of November - Christmas decorating and gatherings of friends and family - I'm resolved to truly "soak" it in this year and enjoy each and every moment! To slow down and let the boys play in the leaves after school like they did today, instead of rushing them to their naps. To enjoy the cool evenings and the cuddling on the sofa. To begin, even now, focusing on the true meaning of Christmas and remembering, like Emma Claire told me last Wednesday night at dinner, "Mommy, Christmas is NOT about the presents, it's about Jesus' Birthday" - Why oh Why can't that always be the sole focus? It's my goal this year to make it ours!
Maybe we should form a support group for moms of strong willed children! I need all the help/encouragement/ideas/etc with Ellie Kate that I can get!
Your family is so cute! Poppin over from Fly Through Our Window.
Love this post. That mentality is truly the key to a great, enjoyable life. Soak it up. Don't let Satan use these little moments (totally normal kid moments that we ALL go through at some point of another) to distract you from enjoying this precious time! (For example - sadly, I would sometime get upset with Lauren for being clingy when she was H's age - usually when I was "busy" with something I thought was important. But now that I realize how quickly that little stage ends and then they are off doing their own thing and hardly have time for snuggles and kisses, I enjoy every second when my kids act that way and always try to put down what I'm doing to focus on them. Seriously, what's more important than snuggle time?)
Love the tennis picts! You look adorable and I hope you stay out of Ida's way! She looks fierce.
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