Thursday, June 17, 2010

What I Love!!

I love evenings in the summertime - no longer do I feel the need to rush bedtime - if they get to bed at 7 or 8, great!!!! If not, I know I won't have to drag anyone out of bed the next morning. But isn't it ironic that even with later bedtimes, they still seem to wake up before I would normally be dragging them out of bed during the school year!!!??? After bathtime (or swimtime occasionally) the children usually disappear to the cool basement to watch a movie or play together! They REALLY do play together great and it is so fun to listen to their imaginary play!!!! I LOVE Summertime!!!!


Henley on the Horn said...

They are so darling! I love summer too!

Katie said...

Cute picture! We will miss you next week but I'll be sure to give miss emma claire lots of love while we're gone! love you!

izmir ilaçlama firmaları said...

güzel bir paylaşım olmuş

Will's side of the family

Will's side of the family

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

Kellie's side of the family (minus a few)

How we REALLY like to dress!

How we REALLY like to dress!

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love!

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

Children being children!

Children being children!