Continuing with my pink theme - from the pink birthday cake and pink book in my last post to THIS!!!! Friday night was the Power of Pink Gymnastics meet with Alabama vs Kentucky!!!! The daddies sat thsi one out and Ashley and I took some of our favorite little girls to the meet - Oh! and Wilson too - on one condition - HE HAD TO WEAR PINK!!!!
We all met at Ashley's house for pizza and dessert - it didn't take Wilson long to get in the 'pink' mood - here is playing with the PINK Barbie airplane!!!!
As soon as the pizza and brownies and pink cookies and pink rice krispie treats were downed, we took all the children outside to get "pinkified"!!!! Wilson and the adults included couldn't resist a little "pink" action - all in the name of Raising money for the Cure for Breast Cancer!!!! (you should have heard the questions about Breast Cancer - HILARIOUS!!!) At one point one of the girls asked me what "breasts" were and I said "it's your bosom's" and one of the other girls began to pat her on the bottom and said it's your BOTTOM!!!!!!! Thinking I was refering to her bottom!!!! So funny!!!! After we cleared up what "Breasts" were, then the talk began about cancer - I can't tell you how grateful I am that none of them had any close connection with cancer - I can only hope and pray it stays that way for MANY years!!!
Here we ALL are with our pink getups!!!!
The girls had to pick on Wilson a little bit - he was a good sport throughout it all!!!
I even had my new pink kicks to wear!!!!
The bus ride to the Coliseum!!!!
Dancing for the Dance Cam - they got on the jumbotron SEVERAL times - i also got several texts and comments at church on Sunday about how "pretty" Wilson looked!!! I just think, you have to be secure in your manhood to dress in pink from head to toe!!!!
Wilson sharing his flip flop with Sarah Davis - go figure???