Easter Weekend was a beautiful one in T-town - our last "normal" weekend as we know it!!!! We enjoyed an Easter egg hunt with our church at a local park downtown - they had different areas for all the different ages of children, so they each filled their baskets!!! Inflatables made everyone happy :) Later that afternoon, we celebrated Henderson's 3rd birthday at our house with some families. His birthday was not until May 2nd, but I decided to go ahead and celebrate since everyone was in town for Easter!!! Boy am I glad we did, otherwise his birthday party would have been canceled along with everything else for the 2 weeks after that tragic day of April 27th! We are just beginning to get back to normal - school, programs rescheduled, softball games starting back, some normalcy in our not so normal town!!!!
This hair - it just makes me laugh. Neither Will nor I have curly hair, so it is so fun to see and play with Henderson's!!! Just last night as I was taking him up to bed, he was pulling on one of his curls saying "I a girl!!!" I assured him that MANY boys have curly hair, it's just one of those things that make him "him"!!!
We got a picture of the 7 cousins - kind of rare these days with how active and busy they all are - and since we didn't make it to Disney World like we had planned, this will have to do!!! We are so blessed to have cousins so close in age and living close by too! Chandler is the oldest, then Patton and Emma Claire are 5 weeks apart, Mills and Wilson are 6 weeks apart and Stanton and Henderson are 2 weeks apart!!!! Emma Claire has grown really close to Chandler over the last year which makes my heart so happy, they're like sisters!!!
Emma Claire and her friend Marion - she lives down the street from us, they moved in just a couple months after we did, and her family has been such a blessing to ours!!!
Here are the rest of Marion's siblings - Marion and Emma Claire are 5 months apart, Ellen and Wilson are 2 weeks apart and Mark and Henderson are 1 month apart - how's that for great friendship just down the street!!???
On Sunday evening we had dinner and an Easter egg hunt at Will's parents house with extended family and neighbors!!!! Here are the little ones getting a head start to hunt eggs!!!
Then the middle ones, (Mills is missing)
Then the BIG kids to finish it off!!!! (Patton was sick, poor thing)

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