We thankfully celebrated Henderson's birthday the Saturday before the tornado hit. His birthday was May 2nd and he turned 3 years old - how can that be!!!???? My baby, my last, the one who says "We Married" everytime we kiss - isn't that the cutest thing!!!??
In case you haven't noticed, Henderson and Wilson are both very much into superheros!!!! A spiderman party it was - just a simple dinner with some family and friends on a beautiful April evening!
Henderson, I love you with all my heart!!!!!
May also brought (eventually) choir programs that had been postponed, school programs, gymnastics recitals, softball games and many other end of the school year events!!!! Emma Claire grew leaps and bounds in her gymnastics abilities this year!!!! She can now do a front limber and backbend kickover!!!!
Summertime - we love you and hope to enjoy each and every minute!!!!!

The children are as beautiful as ever! I hope that you all have a fun summer with lots of sun and blue skies! God bless!
Wow, great photos of the birthday party. LOVE the blonde curly hair too. (Just came across your blog through blogger.)
I love his curls! The pics are adorable, looks like it was a lot of fun!
super cute blog! love it!
Just decided to check in on you. I followed your blog for so long and loved that we both have an Emma Claire! Hope things are ok!
Hello, I am an Italian girl and I happened on your blog by accident. I know of the tornado that hit your city and I am so sorry for you. Courage!
love his hair!!
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