Last night Will had to work late, so I fixed the children their dinner early. On the menu was macaroni and cheese, black eyed peas and strawberries (I realize there was no meat, but Wilson rarely eats meat anyways, and Will was planning on grilling chicken when he got home and I knew EC would want to eat again anyways, and she did eat chicken with us), so back to the story. Emma Claire made a happy plate (as usual) and immediately asked for a piece of halloween candy - I said "yes" and she got her candy. Well.... little brother saw her get candy and of course he wanted candy too. He had eaten all his black eyed peas, but none of his macaroni and cheese or strawberries (2 foods that he normally loves)!!! I tried my best to tell him he had to eat his food all gone in order to get some candy and he seemed to understand, but was determined not to eat and still get the candy - he even attempted to pull the kitchen chair over to the counter to get it himself. I was very diligent in taking him back to the table and trying to get him to eat. After a while I knew there was no way he was going to eat his mac and cheese or strawberries, but b/c he seemed to enjoy the black eyed peas, I figured he would eat more of those and that would suffice. Well, he appeared more open to the idea of eating them, but everytime he would open his mouth for me to put a spoon full in, he would gag. I kind of thought he was just putting on a show UNTIL after about 3 times of doing this over and over he finally let me put them in his mouth and....
He threw up and threw up and threw up some more.
Needless to say, Wilson got his candy =)
{The funny thing is, he used to do this as a baby when I would try to feed him peas}
I Guess there will be no force feeding Wilson anymore!!!! =)